Preprints of each of my papers can be downloaded by clicking on the corresponding title. An asterisk (*) is used to denote undergraduate co-authors.
24. Sums of proper divisors with missing digits Research Directions in Number Theory, Springer AWMS, 32, 93-110 (2024). Joint with Kübra Benli, Giulia Cesana, Cécile Dartyge, and Charlotte Dombrowsky.
18. Divisor-sum fibers. Mathematika 64, no. 2 (2018), 330-342. Joint with Paul Pollack and Carl Pomerance.
17. Lower bounds for heights in relative Galois extensions. Contributions to Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry, Springer AWMS 11 (2018), 1-17. Joint with Kevser Aktas, Shabnam Akhtari, Kirsti Biggs, Alia Hamieh, and Kathleen Petersen.
9. Abelian surfaces with prescribed groups. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society46 (2014), p. 779-792. Joint with Chantal David, Derek Garton, Zachary Scherr, Arul Shankar, and Ethan Smith.